How to assemble your 10L & 20L Liquid Drum with a tap
Assembling a bulk drum full of detergent can be a bit daunting at we have created a video to guide you.
Here is the step by step process:
- Tilt the drum on it's back so that the bung (small plug opening) is facing upright.
- With your special drum spanner, use the tip of the spanner to twist open the bung. The red spanner is specifically designed to open this, see below where to purchase.
- Once you have unscrewed the bung, place it aside and take your black nozzle and twist the nozzle on in place. Ensure it is on relatively tightly so that it doesn't pop off.
- Tilt the whole drum back to standing position.
- It essential before dispensing the liquid from the nozzle that the drums main lid is loosened otherwise there will be a lot of air pressure. The spanner head is used to open this.
- Once you have dispensed the desired amount into your bottle, ensure nozzle is on the off position and also tighten the main lid to prevent spills.
Below is a video demonstrating the process above:
Design by Natasha Malkov
Special spanner can be purchased here from Bunnings: